
Bernhard LindnerLindner

Born in 1946, Active film-maker since 1962, member of the board of several film-clubs since 1974. Chairman of the Stuttgart Film-club since 1990. Alongside his activity as a film-maker, has been involved as a member of the jury since 1970. Since 1978 member of the jury and partner/advisor in several national and international festivals (including UNICA 1989, 1996, 2004, 2010, 2013, DIPA, FISAIC). As a member or chairperson of the jury, he lays the stress on the possibility offered by the film to identify the author’s objective and the themes that (s)he selected to convey the  message in an intelligible manner. This is why he insists on the need to collect and listen to various opinions to capture the full scope of the films.

From 1970 to 1997 President/Advisor of the jury for the of the Baden-Württemberg Regional federation of filmmakers. Since 1997, member of the Board of the German Federation (BDFA) and vice-president in charge of competition and jury matters. Various publications and presentations on analysis and evaluation of films and film creation.

2014 Member of the UNICA Committee. If he had more time, he would like to return to film-making. But autre present he can hardly do more than watching them with great attention, discuss them and, in so doing, keep learning.